All Classes and Interfaces

A query generator that generates queries with the conjuncts arranged in a chain shape.
CPQ modelling the concatenation of a number of CPQs (also known as the join operation).
RPQ modelling the concatenation of a number of RPQs (also known as the join operation).
Enum defining concrete output syntaxes for generated queries.
Exception throw when there are issues parsing a configuration file.
Simple graph that models the gMark graph configuration.
Parser to read complete gMark task configurations.
A configuration contains all the information on the graphs and workloads gMark needs to generate and is typically read from a configuration XML file.
Abstract base class for query conjuncts.
Defines a conjunct that has a CPQ as its inner query.
Interface for generators that can generate a single random conjuncts of a larger query.
Conjunct generator for CPQs (Conjunctive Path Queries).
Conjunct generator for RPQs (Regular Path Queries).
Interface for conjunctive path queries (CPQs).
A query generator that generates queries with the conjuncts arranged in a cycle shape.
Class that can be used as a wrapper around some other object.
RPQ modelling the disjunction between RPQs.
Abstract interface for value distributions.
Enum of all probability distributions supported by gMark.
Represents a single edge in the graph schema.
CPQ modelling a single label traversal.
The edge graph is a graph constructed from an input graph such that all edges in the original input graph are nodes in the edge graph.
Class to represent data stored in the edge graph.
Represents metadata for the edge graph source and target nodes.
Data representing identity.
Metadata representing the intersection of two paths.
Represents data for a normal graph node constructed from a schema graph edge.
RPQ modelling a single label traversal.
Example tab that shows some of the important structures in gMark.
Represents a gaussian (normal) distribution where numbers are normally distributed with some given mean and standard deviation.
Exception thrown when something goes wrong when randomly generating something.
Runnable interface that can throw exceptions.
Simple generator for CPQs (Conjunctive Path Queries).
Simple generator for RPQs (Regular Path Queries).
Generic definition of a number of query language fragments.
Simple query action of traversing an edge with a single label from either source to target or in inverse direction from target to source.
Class with generic query language parsing utilities.
Main class for the GUI version of the application.
Simple component that visualises the nodes and edges in a UniqueGraph.
Interface to represent objects that are associated with some unique ID.
CPQ modelling the identity CPQ.
Writes that prefixes all lines with a configurable number of spaces and can be converted to a string once all content has been written.
CPQ modelling the intersection between CPQs (also known as the conjunction operation).
RPQ representing the transitive closure of another RPQ.
Main class of the command line version of the application, responsible for command handling.
Progress listener that report progress to standard out at 10% intervals.
Enumeration of database operations.
Formal logic syntax output format, will generally match Object.toString().
Interface for components that can be converted to an SQL query representing them.
Class responsible for writing generated graphs and queries to files.
Interface for components that can be converted to an XML representation.
Parser for CPQs (Conjunctive Path Queries).
Parser for RPQs (Regular Path Queries).
Path segment modelling a single edge of a path drawn in the selectivity graph.
Class describing predicates applied to graph edges, also called symbols.
Represents a generated query with a number of projected variables and one or more query bodies.
Represents the body of a query, this is essentially the query without the projected head variables.
Interface for objects that represent a fragment of an entire query.
Utility class for generation queries for workloads.
Interfaces for objects that want to listen to the progress of a query generation task.
Object representing the query graph of a CPQ.
Represents a directed edge in a CPQ query graph.
Represents a set of possible mappings for attributes that were processed in the past, but will not be seen again in future tree nodes.
Represents a pair of vertices used for identity processing.
Object used to store partial mapping required for the query homomorphism testing algorithm.
Shared base interface for query graph elements.
A row instance represents a single potential homomorphism mapping for a partial map.
Represents a vertex in a CPQ query graph.
Enum of implemented concrete query languages.
Base interface for query language specifications.
Represents a collection of several generated queries together with an easy way to get information about the whole set of generated queries.
Enum of different shapes the conjuncts of a query can be arranged in.
Panel to display information about a workload as well as to facilitate generating a query workload.
Representation of an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for queries.
A list implementation backed by a fixed size array.
A matrix implementation backed by a fixed size 2 dimensional array.
Interface for regular path queries (RPQs).
Represents the schema configuration of a graph.
The schema graph is a graph that has selectivity types as its nodes.
Enum with all possible selectivity values.
Enum of all the selectivity classes.
The selectivity graph is a directed graph between selectivity types.
Matrix that encoder pair wise information for all selectivity types in a graph.
Selectivity types are a combination of a node type and selectivity class.
Base class for generators that generate a query made up of a number conjuncts that are connected in a certain shape.
Implementation of a simple graph that only supports unlabelled undirected edges.
Represents a single undirected edge between two nodes in the graph.
Represents a single vertex in the graph.
A query generator that generates queries with the conjuncts arranged in a star-chain shape.
A query generator that generates queries with the conjuncts arranged in a star shape.
Implementation of a tree data structure where data can be stored at each node in the tree and each tree node can have any number of child nodes.
Interface for tree traversal implementations.
Represents a single type in a graph schema.
Represents a uniform distribution where number are uniformly distributed between some given minimum and maximum number.
Utility class to model a graph with directed edges.
Represents a single directed edge in the graph that can have associated data.
Represents a single node in the graph that is uniquely identifiable by some data.
Tab showing command line usage and an example configuration.
Class providing various small utilities as well as thread bound random operations.
Represents a query variable.
Represents a workload with all the important arguments required for query generation.
Describes a workload of CPQ queries to generate.
Describes a workload of RPQ queries to generate.
Enum specifying all the different concrete workload types.
Represents a zipfian distribution with some given alpha value.