Interface QueryFragment

All Known Subinterfaces:
CPQ, QueryLanguageSyntax, RPQ
All Known Implementing Classes:
ConcatCPQ, ConcatRPQ, DisjunctionRPQ, EdgeCPQ, EdgeRPQ, GenericConcatenation, GenericEdge, IdentityCPQ, IntersectionCPQ, KleeneRPQ

public interface QueryFragment
Interface for objects that represent a fragment of an entire query. These fragments have a main database operation as their main responsibility (root operation) and additionally can be converted together with their sub queries (children) to an AST.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    The top level operation represented by this query fragment.
    Converts this query fragment to an equivalent abstract syntax tree.
  • Method Details

    • getOperationType

      OperationType getOperationType()
      The top level operation represented by this query fragment.
      The top level operation for this query fragment.
    • toAbstractSyntaxTree

      QueryTree toAbstractSyntaxTree()
      Converts this query fragment to an equivalent abstract syntax tree.
      The constructed Abstract Syntax Tree (AST).