Class WorkloadRPQ

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class WorkloadRPQ extends Workload
Describes a workload of RPQ queries to generate.
  • Field Details

    • minDisjuncts

      private int minDisjuncts
      The minimum number of disjuncts in the RPQs to generate.
    • maxDisjuncts

      private int maxDisjuncts
      The maximum number of disjuncts in the RPQs to generate.
    • minLength

      private int minLength
      The minimum length of the RPQs to generate.
    • maxLength

      private int maxLength
      The maximum length of hte RPQs to generate.
  • Constructor Details

    • WorkloadRPQ

      public WorkloadRPQ(Element elem, Schema schema)
      Constructs a new RPQ workload from the given configuration element and graph schema.
      elem - The configuration element to parse.
      schema - The graph schema to use.
  • Method Details

    • setMaxLength

      public void setMaxLength(int len)
      Sets the maximum length of the RPQs to generate.
      len - The new maximum length.
    • setMinLength

      public void setMinLength(int len)
      Sets the minimum length of the RPQs to generate.
      len - The new minimum length.
    • setMaxDisjuncts

      public void setMaxDisjuncts(int disj)
      Sets the maximum number of disjuncts in the RPQs to generate.
      disj - The new maximum disjunct count.
    • setMinDisjuncts

      public void setMinDisjuncts(int disj)
      Sets the minimum number of disjuncts in the RPQs to generate.
      disj - The new minimum disjunct count.
    • getMaxLength

      public int getMaxLength()
      Gets the maximum length of the RPQs to generate.
      The maximum RPQ length.
    • getMinLength

      public int getMinLength()
      Gets the minimum length of the RPQs to generate.
      The minimum RPQ length.
    • getMinDisjuncts

      public int getMinDisjuncts()
      Gets the minimum number of disjuncts in the RPQs to generate.
      The minimum number of disjuncts.
    • getMaxDisjuncts

      public int getMaxDisjuncts()
      Gets the maximum number of disjuncts in the RPQs to generate.
      The maximum number of disjuncts.
    • validate

      public void validate() throws IllegalStateException
      Description copied from class: Workload
      Validates this workload by checking that all of the arguments are valid and usable for query generation. Subclasses should override this method to validate their own arguments.
      validate in class Workload
      IllegalStateException - When it is determined that the workload is not valid.
    • getType

      public WorkloadType getType()
      Description copied from class: Workload
      Gets the type of this workload.
      Specified by:
      getType in class Workload
      The type of this workload.
    • getMaxSelectivityGraphLength

      public int getMaxSelectivityGraphLength()
      Description copied from class: Workload
      Gets the maximum length of paths needed in the selectivity graph to generate queries in accordance with this workload.
      Specified by:
      getMaxSelectivityGraphLength in class Workload
      The maximum required selectivity graph path length.
    • getConjunctGenerator

      public ConjunctGenerator getConjunctGenerator()
      Description copied from class: Workload
      Gets a generator for generating conjuncts according to this workload configuration.
      Specified by:
      getConjunctGenerator in class Workload
      A worklaod conjunct generator.